
saturday, October 17th | 9pm | free admission | Auditório Municipal César Batalha

About the play: In a country where increasing birth rate is a priority at the institutional level, where the media tell us every day that we need to have more children, many women struggle daily against the obstacles encountered when desiring to fulfill this dream. How far will we go?

Collective creation: trainees of Theater of the Oppressed Group| Actresses: Alexandra Alves Luís , Clotilde Montero , Isabel Neves , Lara Antunes , Raquel González, Vania Lopes | Curinga : Filipa Simões

Contacts: madalenaslisboa@gmail.com | www.facebook.com/MadalenasLisboa

Madalenas Lisboa: An activist group of women who fight against gender inequalities and who believe in art as a means of transforming society. The Theater of the Oppressed methodology is used to discuss, also in the public space, the oppression they suffer and find ways to eliminate inequalities, injustice and invisibility in Portugal and worldwide. This artistic experience and personal development was created by Alessandro Vanucci in Brazil. There are currently several theater groups of Madalenas throughout the world.

Madalenas Lisbon is a group promoted by GTOLX, NGO which uses, since 2005, participatory methodology of the Oppressed Theatre (TO) with different people trying to make every citizen participate actively and consciously in decision- making processes that affect their lives.
Contact: www.gtolx.org


saturday, October 17th | 9pm | free admission | Auditório Municipal César Batalha