Recursos Bibliográficos – Projeto Promoção da saúde mental na população LGBTI+

Linhas Orientadoras de Intervenção na Saúde:


American Psychologist Association (APA)

  • Orientação Sexual:

APA Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Sexual Minority Persons

APA’s Guidelines for Psychotherapy with Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Clients: The Fundamentals for Practice

Issues in Psychotherapy with Lesbian and Gay Men: A Survey of Psychologists

  • Identidade de género:

APA Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Sexual Minority Persons

Transgender Identity Issues in Psychology

Issues in Psychotherapy with Lesbian and Gay Men: A Survey of Psychologists

  • World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH):

WPATH Standards of Care for the Health of Transgender and Gender Diverse People

Outros recursos: